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This work of art by the 2rüsseldorf artist Horst H. Baumann met with such great enthusiasm amongst the Individuenbestand of Kassel that it was possible to marvel at it two years later, on 13th January 1979, as the first permanent laser light sculpture hinein the world in a public city area.

The opening of the major new exhibition „ Collectors and Donors of Frankfurt ” on 18 Achter monat des jahres 2012 also marks the completion of the permanent displays in the freshly restored building.

after a stay of 33 months, the holder of an EU Blue Card may Beryllium granted a permanent settlement permit.

Starting on 18 Achter monat des jahres, the unique architectural ensemble will lure visitors with a wide Auswahl of new permanent and special exhibitions as well as activities for young and old.

If the physical ailments are irreversible, they may nevertheless abate in the case of an inner change and become more tolerable.

" Founders must always be natural optimists, because they have - besides great love and respect for the group at the centre of their efforts - great trust rein the permanent economic and political stability not only of their own native country, but also hinein the European home we all share.

Durch permanente interne zumal externe Untersuchungen außerdem Überprüfungen rein unserem Betrieb anhalten wir mikrobiologische außerdem chemische Resultate auf höchstem Level und veranschaulichen unser hohes Qualitätsbewusstsein.

beharrlich · Dauerhaft · ohne punkt und komma · nonstop · ohne Unterbrechung · ohne Unterlass · ohne abzusetzen · pausenlos · ständig · unablässig · unaufhörlich · unausgesetzt · unentwegt · ununterbrochen  ●  am laufenden Band ugs. · in einer Spritzfahrt ugs.

den ganzen Kalendertag · den ganzen Kalendertag lang · von früh bis spät · von morgens bis abends  ●  den vergöttern langen Kalendertag ugs.

Love means here not only that everything is interlaced, but also the permanent act of creation from dual principles, the union of male and female.

The relation between object, image, word and vision form a permanent leitmotiv hinein a show that compares and contrasts works by artists from different generations and backgrounds.

durch­lu­so­risch über­lus­t­ra­ti­on per­lus­t­rie­ren Mit hilfe­lus­t­rie­rung Perl­wein In dem Alphabet danach

Holders of an EU Blue Card World health organization can prove that they have been hinein qualified employment over a period of 33 months and that they have paid (compulsory) contributions to statutory pension insurance or comparable benefits are granted a permanent settlement permit.

The contract is initially limited to one year, it can however be prolonged, and after a maximum more info of two years converted into a permanent contract. ?

On admission to the Kolleg, the new members should be no older than thirty-six, and not yet hold a permanent teaching Auf dem postweg at a university.

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